Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How To : Boost Your Health Through The Power Of Green Tea!

Green tea brings a lot of health benefits. To brew a top-notch cup of tea, pour boiling water into a cup and let it cool for around 2-3 minutes. Add the green tea into the water and let it steep for another 2-3 minutes. Don't oversteep it as the taste and goodness will be affected. Green tea is best enjoyed after a meal.

1. Prevents Cancer

Drinking green tea helps to prevent cancer. Green tea contains polyphenols, which block the growth of cancer cells. According to research, women with breast cancer who drink at least five cups a day, have tumors that spread slower and these women are less likely to have the cancer return. Green tea also reduces the risks for esophageal, gastric and skin cancer.

2. Protects Brain Cells

The previously mentioned antioxidant, polyphenol, when fed to mice induced with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, helped to protect brain cells from dying, as well as 'rescuing' already damaged neurons in the brain, a phenomenon called neurorescue or neurorestoration.

3. Burns More Calories
Use green tea properties to help you shed extra pounds. Studies show that people who drink green tea with caffeine burn calories faster. Studies showed that average fat oxidation rates were 17% higher after ingestion of Green Tea Extract than after ingestion of a placebo.

4. Lowers Cholesterol

Lower your cholesterol with green tea. It lowers the bad cholesterol and supports the good cholesterol. It also prevents blood clots from forming. This is important since blood clots are the major cause of heart attacks and strokes.

5. Protects Teeth

Protect your teeth with green tea. It destroys the bacteria that produces plaque.

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